Tag: security


We highly recommend that use of SSL 3.0 be disabled on all websites. The vulnerability  allows an eavesdropper to review of presumed encrypted conversation between a client and server using SSL 3.0. Handling of blocks of data are encrypted under a specific type of encryption algorithm within the SSL protocol is the cause ... Read More
October 20, 2014Praveen Bahethi


The fight for your privacy isn’t over yet,  you might have to update your firewalls, routers, and servers too.  Cisco Systems and other networking product manufacturing companies have announced that the Heartbleed bug -- a flaw in OpenSSL that lets attackers bypass common security protocols -- has been found in their ... Read More
April 11, 2014Web Administrator


Have you ever thought that a simple off the shelf home network router could take down your network?  The home router is a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server and plugged into a business network can cause end devices to receive the wrong ip address configuration information.  One would like to think ... Read More
April 3, 2014Praveen Bahethi