Tag: switching


Have you ever thought that a simple off the shelf home network router could take down your network?  The home router is a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server and plugged into a business network can cause end devices to receive the wrong ip address configuration information.  One would like to think ... Read More
April 3, 2014Praveen Bahethi


Comware CLI for STP edge on two 7500 ports in different VLANs. Read the Warning in the CLI, if you do it on a port between switches.. bad juju... Terminal is an end-point, PC, Server, etc.. stp edged-port enable # Warning: Edge port should only be connected to terminal. It will cause temporary ... Read More
April 1, 2014Praveen Bahethi


Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is link-state protocol that uses the Djikstra Algorithm to determine a shortest path tree.  The OSPF algorithm uses cost defined on links to determine the best path to a network.  For OSPF to remain loop free, each and every router needs to know of all ... Read More
April 1, 2014Praveen Bahethi


Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol provides end devices alternate default gateways without having to be configured for them. With VRRP, a end device continues to speak to the same MAC Address discovered during ARP resolution, because of the Virtual IP (VIP) configuration in VRRP. Configuring VRRP requires knowledge of the Layer 2 ... Read More
March 28, 2014Praveen Bahethi