About Us

We are passionate to make our clients’ business work better. We turn your ambitions into achievements.

Who we are?


hilpa System believes in the power of technology to transform your organisation and take your business to the next level. Over the last three decades, we’ve established ourselves as a global leader in the provision and management of specialist IT infrastructure solutions and services. With operations in over X countries, over 100 employees and over thousands clients – coupled with our deep understanding of the global business and technology landscape – we help accelerate the achievement of your business goals.

Shilpa System is passionate to find ways to use ICT to make our clients’ business work better. We turn your ambitions into achievements.

We will position you to respond to today’s challenges, with targeted, pertinent services and IT solutions. We will ensure that your business is supported by a robust networking platform and help you optimise the performance and availability of the unified communications and collaboration tools that run on it – including desktop and contact centre technologies. We can also assist to put in place a next generation data centre, support your move to cloud computing, and ensure that all elements of your infrastructure are secure.

These capabilities are underpinned by a full lifecycle of IT services consulting, professional support, managed procurement, supply chain and IT outsourcing services. The result is a stable yet agile technology estate – one that sets you up to embrace business change with confidence.

Envision is incredibly responsive, with a refreshingly clean design

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Why Choose Us?

1. Modern & Clean Design

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2. The Best Solution for Your Business

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3. Ultra Responsive & Retina Ready

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4. Extreme Level Customizabilty

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Our Skills

Skill 1 / 75%
Skill 2 / 90%
Skill 3 / 80%
Skill 4 / 30%


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